Guidebooks & Tools CF


User's guide

The user's guide guides you through the various possibilities for utilizing and implementing the INPRO CF. Link

Guidance Video Excel file

This video provides guidance on utilizing the Excel file, which contains all the learning outcomes. Its purpose is to assist you in forming your own interprofessional framework for your goals, project, or module.

Guide for assess and assignments

This serves as a guide on how to assess the quality of assignments and evaluations to ensure they are well-constructed. link


These tools have been developed for the various inspiring implementations (link) and can serve as inspirational documents for creating your own tools tailored to your goals, project, or module.


Reflection tool English German. Link

Reflection tool English. Link

Reflection tool English Dutch. Link

Peer and self assessment

Peer and self assessment. Link

Group observation

Group Observation tool. Link

Performance review. Link

Instruction Workshop

Instruction for workshop with an Interprofessional team Dutch. Link


Questionnaire for professionals/internship assessment. Link



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