ICF Person-centred practice

The use of a common language in interprofessional collaboration is very important. The WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) was the linking model for interprofessional collaboration and structuring the wishes and needs of a client. The INPRO project developed several practical ICF materials to support its use in education and clinical practice.

What are you or your colleagues perceptions of the ICF? Are you committed in using the ICF? This is something important to discover and consider. In INPRO we did it by focus groups. You will find our conclusions from subpage 1 Perceptions & Experiences

It was found that both ICF education and on-the-job learning is needed to transfer interprofessional skills and learning into practice. Several ICF-based materials and ICF education materials were developed to promote the use of the ICF.

See for Perceptions & Experiences, ICF based Tools & Practices, ICF Education on the subpages.



We would be grateful to you if you could share your experiences, ideas, suggestion or compliments with us. Please drop a note via the contact form.



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