Student-Run Interprofessional Learning Ward

The Student-Run Interprofessional Learning Ward (SR-IPLW) of Rehabilitation Centre “Revalidatie Friesland” has been developed in collaboration with the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. Both in the Netherlands.

Here, you can see an online tour of the ward and read the main working mechanisms in the guideline. Also, a roadmap for implementation and a business case of the SR-IPLW is provided.


The following documents can be used to set-up a SR-IPLW in your own practice organisation:

  1. Guideline SR-IPLW. Link
  2. Roadmap SR-IPLW. Link
  3. Business case SR-IPLW. Link

At the SR-IPLW, professionals and students have their own tasks, roles and responsabilities.

...for the Professional

...for the Student


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