Inspiring implementations IP-Collaboration

Implementing a SR-IPLW in your own organisation is highly depending on various aspects, such as legislation and organisation structures. Therefore, we tested the guideline of the SR-IPLW in two other regions; 1. Coronaria Rehabilitation and therapy services, a rehabilitation centre in Finland and 2. Moorheilbad Harbach Gesundheits & Rehabilitations centrum, a rehabilitation centre in Austria. They developed a model and a process of implementation for the interprofessional internships for students.



Documents of Coronaria Rehabilitation and therapy services

  • Handbook interprofessional internship. Link
  • Report of piloting interprofessional internship model. Link

Documents of Moorheilbad Harbach Gesundheits & Rehabilitations centrum

  • Report of piloting interprofessional internship model. Link
  • Interprofessional learning in Practice-Information for Students. Link
  • Interprofessional Learning in Practice-Information for Professionals. Link
  • Questionnaire for Students. Link

Documents of Rehabilitation Centre 'Revalidatie Friesland'

  • Report of piloting guideline of SR-IPLW. Link
  • Patient Journey Report. Link


During the project, the practice partners from the consortium also learned from each other by organising Field Visits. We share our main outcomes with a video and a Mindmap.




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