The outputs and materials of the INPRO project are available here. You can download the documents and use and apply them in your own region, in education and /or practice. We would be grateful to you if you could share your experiences, ideas, suggestion or compliments with us. Please drop a note via the contact form.
IPE competencies and assessment tools
Overview of the theory on interprofessional education, collaboration, how to assess it in education and practice will be shared here. The final product will be an e-guidebook, but also other materials will be shared.
The use of a common language in interprofessional collaboration is very important. The long standing International Classification of Functioning, disability and health by the WHO has been chosen by the INPRO consortium as the linking model for structuring the wishes and needs of a patient. Various materials, links to other website and new materials will be made available during the project.
Learning interventions
How to combine the theoretical foundations into clever didactical approaches that can be used within Higher Education Institutions to train students and faculty on interprofessionalism is another important question. Materials and outputs on this topic will be shared here.
Learning ward
The last type of materials that will be shared up here deal with how to allow to learn in practice in an interprofessional setting at a student-run learning ward. Materials aimed at the supervision of students, on learning to coach for professionals and implications for a health care clinic will be displayed here.